Art and Performance

Streaming Show in the Gallery @ CALIT2

Friday, February 7th, Gallery @ CalIT2 on UC San Diego Campus

Streaming, The Winter 2020 show in the Gallery @ CalIT2 explores cultural, environmental, and ecological conditions of contemporary streaming technology. In the weeks surrounding the Cultured Data Symposium, the streaming platform will be used to supplement cultured data programming: providing additional texts, remote contributions, etc., to extend and enhance the discursive work of the event.

Read more about the exhibition here:, or stream online at

Performance @ QI/CalIT2 — Friday February 7th

During the reception at Friday’s symposium programming, we will have data-driven performances in the QI Black Box Theater using the sound setup and high resolution tiled display. 6-7pm.

Every Pulse a Riot (2020) – starvelab (Michael Trigilio)
Working from a score derived from police-shooting fatalities, “Every Pulse a Riot” is a modular-synthesizer, guitar, and electronics work which rewrites the evidence of lethal state power into an unsteady sonic glitch.

sifrmu v12 (2020) – bani haykal
sifrmu is an ongoing artwork which looks into human-machine kinships, from making-with to symbiosis, it is a work which situates itself at the intersection of encryption and intimacy. The work revolves around a patch which encrypts plaintext into a cipher, comprising of letters from Jawi script coupled with MIDI values. sifrmu is a portmanteau of ‘sifr’, the etymology of the word cipher, which is Arabic (and Malay) for zero and ‘mu’ which is a Malay suffix for you / yours.

Performance @ Bread and Salt — Saturday February 8th

Following Saturday’s symposium programming, we will have an evening of live data-driven performances. 5-7pm.

The Guitarist and Aural Fauna: Duet for Human and Machine-Generated Creatures (2020) – Donald Craig and Eunsu Kang
This performance is the premiere of his guitar duet with Aural Fauna, a family of unknown organism imagine by AI. Aural Fauna specimen’s forms and sounds are generated by machine learning algorithms that were developed by a team of artists and machine learning researchers including Craig and his long-time collaborator Eunsu Kang. During this improvised duet, Craig and eight fauna entities listen and respond to each other by changing pitches or the tempo or adding additional parts or harmony.
project website

Motet for the Collective (2020) – Ethan Edwards
A remix of Renaissance polyphony using the Compositions for the Collective (C4C) system developed by Nokia Bell Labs. The system will distribute the composition statistically across all the phones in the audience, creating a strange harmony of indefinite voices.

Four Horsemen (2020) – Sarah Hankins / Super Squirrel
An real-time audiovisual remix performance, exploring the posthuman horizons of data/culture, machine intelligence and climate change. Working with sounds, images and concepts suggested by the audience, Super Squirrel will create mashups and (re)mappings of a cultural present tense that is haunted by the end of the future. performer website